
Client Bonnier
Collaborator Netlight
Platforms iOS, Android
Date 2016


BookBeat is a digital subscription service that allows you to stream audiobooks and read e-books on your mobile or tablet.

My role
I was brought in to take the mobile app to the next level, polishing the UX and UI for a better experience. I also worked with the app for iOS and android tablets, keeping the design coherent across platforms and devices. Released in 2015, and made even better in 2016 ✌️

BookBeat for kids
Another project I worked on was the kids version of BookBeat. A small team of four people was put together to create a concept.

Going the whole nine yards, from user research to wire-frames to a fully functional prototype with it's very own design system. The end result was a vastly different product than it's parent app.

Unfortunately the project was shelved because of reasons, but we sure had a good time working on it 😄